Sunday, December 4, 2016

photojournalist profile


 “Adams' close-up portraits and emphasis on intimate storytelling presented a new way to photograph war”


Obvious main subject: In this photo Jerry Lewis’s face takes up pretty much the whole photo. His background and shirt are dark while his face is bright and colored which makes that stand out over everything. There is nothing else in the photo except his face so he is the obvious subject of the photo.

Subjects expression: In this picture his face looks pretty serious. It’s also interesting though, because half his face is painted like a clown. Clowns usually are something funny, or scary so for him to look relaxed and serious with that on his face is kind of strange. I do think though I get his expression more clearly from the side that isn’t painted because it’s easier to see. So maybe if his whole face was painted I would feel different about the expression he is trying to make.

Keep it simple: This photo is very simple. There is not a lot going on at all, the only thing is that half of his face is painted. Besides that, it’s a very plain background and plain colors. This really directs your attention to the one thing that is going on which is his painted face making it very simple picture.


Feeling the image create: This image created a range of different emotions I’d say. This picture shows pain, fear, and represents the war in general. In this picture the subject is in the midst of being shot and killed so that in itself created a whole mess of feelings. I think many underlying feelings emerge from this photo like fear, sadness, and even pain all in one photo, for not only what it is showing, but also what it is representing.

In or out of focus: This photo is out of focus for the most part, but it goes with the photo being shot. This photo is clearly an action shot and is catching a moment. The little bit that is out of focus in the picture goes with the image, and the moment it was shot in. It happened so fast and goes with the idea of the picture so it works.

Other work I’ve seen: I think in a way this reminds me of other war photos I’ve seen. Though, many war photos aren’t quite like this one of someone being shot execution style, in war photo we see a lot of death and pain like we do in this one. I think the representation of this photo is like what I see in a lot of other war or violence photos.


Background: I think this background in a way competes for attention with the women in the photo. I think both parts the skulls, and the women equally grab one’s attention. Though maybe the women, or maybe the background is supposed to be the main subject I don’t think the photo would be as unique, or is what it is without one of the two. Though at first, they may appear to “compete for attention” ultimately, I think they go hand and hand.

Black and white: This photo is in black and white, which a lot, if not most of Eddie Adams photos are taken in black and white. His style is a lot of black and white photos so it isn’t odd to these this picture in black and white. Along with that, I think the black and white goes along with the feel of the photo as it may not have this type of genuine, deep feeling as it does if it were in color.

Rule of thirds: This photo uses good rule of thirds with placing the women to the right. The skulls cover pretty much the whole space in the background so I think it was good to place her more to the right to get both aspects of the photo. This photo used rule of thirds well to show the two different aspects and themes it was trying too.

Depth of field: this photo shows a clear deep depth of field. The way they are lined up, and at an angle you can see how far the army expands. It clearly shows that there is a lot of men there so it depicts a truthful photo.
Use of lines: This photos is made of lines and that’s what makes it look so cool. The men are standing in a line, there outfits show clear lines going up and down. This photo uses lines to make it look creative and interesting.
Contrast: the contrast in the photo I’d say is somewhere in the middle of high and low. Though at first the contrast looks low, there isn’t a lot of bright colors or areas and the main subjects have rather low contrast, due to their dark colors and the photo overall isn’t that bright. Though the contrast from the men, to the back ground is higher showing the sky and their faces it grabs your attention to their faces. With the contrast being a little higher near their faces and the back ground behind there head making you focus on them.


 photos by:





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