Image source: Alexander Gardner
Photo source:
Year Created: 1852
Depth of Field
This photo shows a great depth of field. And you can still clearly see the great depth of field in pretty good focus. The depth draws your attention because you see just how far this line of dead bodies goes, instead of just seeing a couple close up. It shows the extent of how fatal the war was.
Black and white
This photo is in black and white, because at the time that was all that was possible. This lets you see how old this photo is, and shows you what the times were like then with the quality of this black and white photo. Though the photographer didn’t have a choice to use color, the black and white helps feel the depth and feeling behind this photo. I think if the photo were in color, it wouldn’t make you feel the same kind of way.
Use of lines
This photo uses lines to its advantage. You can see the people laying in a curved line which really helps to show the rule of thirds, and the depth of field of just how many people there are. And the line and curve draws your attention to the main subject, which is the people.
did I choose this image?
I chose this image because it is an image from the
civil war. The civil war was the first war where photos were captured on the
battle field, making it a memorable time in photojournalism, and American
history. The civil war was a big moment for photojournalism and was a fatal war
.That is why I decided to choose this graphic photo from civil war.
Photo by: Margaret Bourke White
Image source:
Year created: 1940
Rule of Thirds
The photographer placed him to the side of the frame instead of the middle, putting him in one of the thirds. Placing him in this part of the photo gives us a view at what he is actually doing, instead of just looking at him. It looks like he is using a cotton gin to potentially make clothes making this photojournalistic.
Exposure time
It looks like this picture could possibly be using a quick shutter speed to capture his movement. It looks like it could be capturing him opening the book, and what looks like the cotton gin moving. It is a little blurry though near the book, so it could have been maybe an exposure time that was quick, but not the quickest. Maybe a speed in the middle of fastest and slowest.
Direction of Light
I think the direction of light is interesting in this photo. It looks like the light is behind him, maybe coming through a window or something. It doesn’t look like a strong amount of light, but it looks good with the photo because it is just enough to see what is going on in the photo, but also gives it a mysterious kind of interesting feel which I enjoy about this photo.
Why did I choose this image?
I chose this image because Gandhi was an icon and is still very well known today. He was a famous humanitarian and was famous for protesting the British occupation and rule. Gandhi was unique in the way that he fought with peace and love, not war.
Photo by: Phillip Jones Griffiths
Photo source:
Year created: 1968
Obvious main subject
This photo shows who the obvious main subjects are which is the injured guy and the soldiers around him. You can tell these are the main subjects of the picture because they take up most of the picture. The background is only show slightly, so your attention goes right to the main subject(s).
Subjects Expression
I think the subjects expression is what really makes this photo what it is. Looking at the man’s face laying down looks like he is in pain, or injured maybe being helped by the soldiers. This represents the Vietnam war and it doesn't look staged at all, but is genuine.
Feelings the Image Created:
This image shows deep feelings just by looking at the subjects face; the man laying on the ground. I think this image expresses a lot of feelings, and emotions. The image kind of makes you ache a little bit, and at least for me, makes me wonder about this war and what It was really like for them. Just based on their facial expressions, and body language creates a lot of feelings in this photo.
Why did I choose this photo?
I chose this photo because it is a memorable photo from the Vietnam War. I like this photo specifically because there is so much emotion captured in just one picture, and really helps you to understand the Vietnam War. I think, just based on one moment caught in time explains what they were feeling, and what was going on making it an awesome photojournalistic image.